The Beauty in Minimalism

Minimalism. It sounds like a great idea, but considering all the belongings in your home, does it seem impossible for you to achieve? No matter how much stuff you have lying around your house, it’s certainly possible to create a minimalistic design. We see this design style all over, and thanks to tips from Marie Kondo’s Netflix show, it’s easier to get rid of things that don’t “spark joy” in our lives. Take a chance on minimalism–you’ll be glad you did.


What is Minimalism?

If you ask Merriam Webster, you’ll learn that minimalism is “a style or technique that is characterized by extreme spareness and simplicity.” Think of your most cluttered room in your home. How does it make you feel? Probably anxious and frustrated. By getting rid of things you don’t need, you’ll free up space and feel liberated in the process.

minimalism ideas
Hutomo Abrianto

Minimalistic Window Treatments

When you start your journey towards a minimalistic home, you probably won’t think much about your window treatments. The truth is, old window treatments add clutter and an unattractive backdrop. There are tangling cords, faded curtains, broken slats…the list goes on. The newest window treatments will give you a low-profile look without any hassle.

minimalistic window treatments

Too Much Sun…

This space is achieving minimalism beautifully, but what about the lighting? Too much light can ruin your mood and productivity. It can make you anxious and frustrated. Chances are, you’d avoid this room due to the uncontrolled sunshine.

minimalism tips

Change Your Mood with the Right Lighting

Can’t you just feel the change in ambiance? There is just enough lighting. The styling of this space is simply gorgeous. And, now it can be enjoyed in peace, all thanks to minimalism of atmosphere clutter.

minimalism design ideas

Simplify your life with a minimalistic design. Get rid of things that don’t spark joy, and you’ll see and feel the difference. Bazaar Home Decorating is here to help you on your journey towards minimalism! Contact our designers to get tips on creating the perfect atmosphere. Reach out to us today for a free, in-home consultation!