Recent trends reported by the Pew Charitable Trust suggest that Millennials – the group of people from 18-34 – are increasingly moving back in with Mom and Dad after graduation. As this age group has seen their parents struggle financially as a result of the Great Recession, and perhaps suffered themselves as well, it's no surprise that the unglamorous prospect of moving back in with their parents doesn't seem that bad.
If you are celebrating the graduation from college for a child of your own, you can expect based on these statistics that they might be moving back into their childhood bedroom in your Milwaukee home.
Living with your adult son or daughter will be a lot easier for both of you if you recognize that they are no longer a kid, and give them the kind of freedoms and personal space that they weren't allowed in high school. Moreover, it can help for them to enjoy their time back at home a little more if you let them redecorate the space.
To celebrate their achievements and let them know that you are okay having your child return home, how about giving them custom home organization as a graduation present? The experts at Bazaar Home Decorating can help you to reconfigure their closet so that it better suits an adult, giving them more room for their bigger clothes.
Plus, as a bonus for you, this can be a great impetus to have your son or daughter clean out the closet in their room, getting rid of some of the mess that might have accumulated over the years.